27 February 2012

Calling all orphaned Teddy Bears!

We are again putting the call out for orphaned Teddy Bears to join us at Cuboree. If you have a much loved bear to send please drop us a message and we will provide details on where to post too. Bear Sub Camp has many surprises for your bears to be involved in.

+ must have a love for adventure
+ be prepared to accept new challenges
+ not be afraid of being put in strange places or outfits
+ must love Cub Scouts
+ prepared to get down and dirty
+ be a mascot
+ like mixing with other Teddies

If your orphaned Teddy has what it takes send him on the Cuboree experience of its life.

24 February 2012

Cuboree Update from the Camp Chief

Are you ready for Cuboree 2012? I am… and so are almost 800 Cub Scouts and their Leaders! Rockhampton community is gearing up support for the event.

Remember that it could be cool during the evenings so we have a great Cuboree fleecy jacket for sale so hurry to the website for the order form.

Cuboree Pack Leaders have been contacted and they will be attending a Cuboree Pack Leaders training weekend in early March, where we will get to know each other and learn more about the roles.

Every Cub Scout Leader, Leader and Adult helper attending will shortly receive a leader outlining the rules and policies of Cuboree. Whilst a Cuboree Pack Leader is responsible for a Cuboree Pack it is the responsibility of the other Leaders to support that Pack Leader throughout the Cuboree. It’s the Scouting Patrol System at work! Our Section doesn’t work with this model to the same degree as the older Sections of Scouting but our Six System is based upon Lord Baden Powell’s philosophies and we will be embracing these during Cuboree.

A Cuboree Pack may be made up of (this is an example only and not reflective of the current Packs attending or numbers):  
  • 10 Algester Cub Scouts
  • 10 Edge Hill Cub Scouts
  • 4 Jimboomba Cub Scouts
  • Cuboree Pack Leader (Edge Hill)
  • Assistant Cuboree Leader (Algester)
  • Assistant Cuboree Leader (Jimboomba)
  • Assistant Cuboree Leader (Edge Hill or Algester in consultation with Camp Chief)
Extra Leaders will be utilised in consultation with Camp Chief at Activities, Serving, Security etc… Cuboree Packs will be rotated throughout activities, meals, showers on a roster basis, all of this will be provided to the Cuboree Pack Leaders in March. They will then contact their Cuboree Assistant Leaders, Sub Camp Leaders and Activity Leaders will also contact Leaders by April.

Each Cuboree Participant will receive a newsletter including their transport details and a copy of the recommended Packing List in April. Many Cub Scout Packs are going to organise a sleepover in a
generic area to assist with managing the transport arrangements on the night before we depart. This is a great idea and allows for any last minute issues. Please remember that luggage will be restricted due to the bus regulations but more information will be available on this by end of March via the website.

The Cuboree Administrator, Melita, is currently sorting through the application forms and payments – sadly many missed items on the forms means that she has to send back forms, this process is arduous so please assist her and Quinton (he is entering the applications into the database) by returning any forms promptly. Melita is also preparing Group reports for the Group Leader indicating how has applied and what payment if any are in arrears. Please note that unless Melita or myself have discussed with you any applications we have accepted the forms as approved.

An update of Parent Handbooks, Leaders Handbooks and a Packing List will be added to the website shortly, please look through this valuable information – it will assist in your questions being answered.

Read the information first then if you are still not sure please don’t hesitate to ask. Stay tuned and remember the adventure starts the moment you and your Cub Scouts board the bus to attend the Magical Mystery Tour!

Article from the Scouts QLD Encompass - February 2012

20 February 2012

Need a 60L bag for Cuboree

Thanks to  Melissa Denholm  for posting a special price for 60L Duffle bags on the Cuboree Facebook Page.

Hey all.
Anaconda are selling 60L duffle bags for $13.49
downfrom $50
great price available till 26 February

TIf you have any pointers on where to source items to help reduce your baggage for Cuboree, please pass them along or post to the Cuboree FaceBook Page.

17 February 2012

Cuboree Packing List updated

The Cuboree Packing List has had a revision and has been updated on the Cuboree site. Feedback indicated a couple of items had been left off. The Packing List is a basic guide for what should be packed for Cuboree. We do encourage you to consider space limits when packing bags.

12 February 2012

Packing List now available

I am pleased to announce that the Cuboree 2012 Packing List is now available to download or print off. If you head over the download page you will find a very happy travel bag ready to provide you what he would like to see packed in every Cub Scouts & Leaders camp kit.

The Packing List for this Cuboree has been updated from Cuboree 2010 and now provides a tick list to ensure that your Cub Scout can pack their kit themselves.

09 February 2012

Packing List coming soon

The Cuboree 2012 packing list will be available soon. We are polishing the list to ensure your Cub Scout packs their bags correctly.

Please be aware that as all Cub Scouts will be going by bus, luggage will need to be kept to what is listed. This will ensure you all get the gear loaded and moving off as quickly as possible.

02 February 2012

Teddy Bear call

To those that have pledged Teddy Bears for Bear Sub Camp, we are finalising the drop off details. They will be made available soon. Thank you for your patience.

Cuboree Jacket orders update

To those that have ordered the Cuboree Jackets, the marketing team will be processing them shortly. There was a base number of orders that had to be sent through before we could order. With the orders in to date we are a few short to make the initial order. We thank you for your patience and they will be well worth the wait.