Have a question email: info.cuboree@scoutsqld.com.au
Cuboree administration can be contacted on 0435 875 899 to get a message through to your child in the event of an emergency. With so many young people at the event it is not possible to use this for anything besides emergencies. This number is only active during the event.
Where is the Maryborough Showground and Equestrian Centre?
The Maryborough Showgrounds and Equestrian Centre is situated just north of main Maryborough turn off along the Bruce Highway. Check out the location page.
Can adults bring mobile phones?
Sure but we take no responsibility for any personal items you choose to bring – there are a large number of power outlets available throughout the site.
Can Cub Scouts bring mobile phones?
Cub Scouts are not permitted to bring mobile phones or any electronic device to the event. refer to the Packing List for banned items.
What type of bedding is allowed at Cuboree?
Please download the Packing List for exact requirements on what is allowable for bedding.
Can adults bring double bed mattresses or stretchers?
You are sharing tents so space is a premium we would ask you to be considerate of others and make your choices accordingly.
I’m with different Packs and Leaders I don’t know?
That is the great opportunity of Cuboree to mix and share experiences for Leaders and Cub Scouts. The Packs have been allocated with a great deal of thought and discussions, Pack Leaders have been chosen for their abilities and experience in a variety of venues. There is a mix of regional and suburban Packs, big and small Packs, new and experienced Leaders. Remember this is about the Cub Scouts and as Leaders I would expect you to all be tolerant and understanding of ALL our unique differences!
How will we know what to do?
There will be a roster provided at each Sub Camp, Admin, kitchen and other areas around the site, Cuboree Pack Leaders will be briefed every morning. Leaders assisting with Activities, Catering, Welfare, Logistics, Admin or other roles will all be briefed by their Team Coordinators.
Is being a leader at Cuboree different to being a leader at my Den?
When you arrive at Cuboree – your traditional Pack or Group role is considered void during the event – you take on a role allocated to you for the Cuboree, it may be Cuboree Pack Leader, it may be Assistant Cuboree Pack Leader, it may activity leader, security, bus tour guide, or any other number of roles…
Please work with your team leader to ensure the very BEST for Cuboree for our Cub Scouts.
Will I be with my group and fellow leaders?
Each Pack will have a home Leader with them – (where they have leaders/adults attending from their own Group) but it may only require one leader so there will be a need for other leaders/adults to do other roles throughout the day/night to support the Cuboree and Cub Scouts, this may mean that you will not be following your own Cub Scouts or child around daily. There will still be ample opportunity to catch up and share the experience, so if you are asked to do these roles – please understand it is necessary and important to the smooth running of an event this size.
When can I get there?
The Transport Coordinator is coordinating Region bump-in and bump out times, you must comply with these times regardless of what mode of transport you are taking, there will be some car spaces available on site but you will need to leave your car there for the duration of the Cuboree. Please remember that all sub camp cubs and leaders will be travelling by bus to the event and this will make up on of the activities. There will be 'Tour Guides' that will coordinate the activities on the buses.
Can we take photos during Cuboree?
Yes you can but only for personal use only. Due to some members requesting that photos of them not to be published in any way, we need to ensure that we do not publish any photo to the Internet, (Facebook, Twiiter, Pinterest, blogs, etc) unless it has prior approval from the Cuboree 2012 Communications team. The Communications team will have a list of photos of those members who can not be published and will assist you in removing or pix-elating the person from the image.
How do we get images posted from the bus trip?
We are encouraging leaders take photos on the Bus trip to and from the event. The Communications team are asking all Leaders to send their photos taken to info.cuboree@scoutsqld.com.auduring the trip. This will allow the Communications team to vet the photos to ensure we are not posting photos of members with restrictions in regards to publishing photos. It will also provide a great way to keep the website and Facebook pages ticking over and show parents how much fun is being had on the journey to the event. The Communications team are also seeking captions and information to be accompanied with the photos to help keep parents posted
I have taken photos during Cuboree, how can I download from my camera or phone?
The administration block will have a leaders internet cafe. This will be run by the Communications team and they are more than happy to assist you in dumping your photos. They are also available to ensure you are aware of any member whose photo can not be published in any format due to legal reasons. The Communications team is only one section taking photos and updating to the Internet, but we are encouraging leaders to assist where possible, but be aware that their are restrictions in place for safety of members.
Do I need to bring extra gear?
Our logistic and sub camp teams have done a great job of coordinating the number of people onsite and the space available to the best of our abilities. Please do not bring extra gear as you may not like where you have to stow it for the duration, we will not take any responsibility for gear that is brought to Cuboree unnecessarily. If in doubt ask us the question.
How will we know what to do?
There will be a roster provided at each Sub Camp, Admin, kitchen and other areas around the site, Cuboree Pack Leaders will be briefed every morning. Leaders assisting with Activities, Catering, Welfare, Logistics, Admin or other roles will all be briefed by their Team Coordinators.
Why should I attend?
The Cuboree will provide a unique quality Cub Scout Camp enhancing the development of Cub Scouts by using the Award Scheme and following Scouts Queensland’s Aims and Principles. Discipline and safety will be the responsibility of all Leaders in consultation with the home Pack Leaders and the Cuboree Executive. The Camp will provide the opportunity for Cub Scouts and their Leaders to have social interaction, learn new skills, try something different and of course have fun.
Let's remember why we are going.
Let’s remember it is a Cub Scout Camp, for our Cub Scouts – we can over complicate it and we all have differing ideas, please feel reassured you have some of the best Cub Scout Leaders working on Cuboree, some of us have been involved with this journey for a long time.
What is expected of me as a leader at Cuboree?
In Cub Scouts we have a large number of diverse personalities, cultures and expectations as adults of events. As most leaders have not been on a five day camp with their Cub Scouts,w there will be times when our limits will be pushed, and taking time out is a major component to enjoying the week. We all must be understanding of all everyone attending to ensure it is fun and provide many wonderful memories.
As with every event there is always many questions but let’s remember, it is a Cub Scout Camp, for our Cub Scouts! We can over complicate it and we all have differing ideas, please feel reassured you have some of the best Cub Scout Leaders working on Cuboree, some of us have been involved with this journey for a long time.>
The Cuboree will provide a unique quality Cub Scout Camp enhancing the development of Cub Scouts by using the Award Scheme and following Scouts Queensland’s Aims and Principles. Discipline and safety will be the responsibility of all Leaders in consultation with the home Pack Leaders and the Cuboree Executive.
The Camp will provide the opportunity for Cub Scouts and their Leaders to have social interaction, learn new skills, try something different and of course have fun. The contact phone number only to be used during Cuboree 2018 will be advised via this website when the event starts.