27 April 2012

South East Qld Cuboree Participants Pack Pick up

We would encourage as many Cub Scout Packs to come and collect their Cuboree 2012 participants Packs (shirts, badges etc) on Saturday 12 May from 2pm – 4pm at The Oxley den is at the end of William Tce, Oxley, in Nixon Park.

This will assist with getting the items faster to your Cub Scouts and Leaders. Please advise to (can we use the Cuboree ask email please and can you collate at all) if you will be picking up please to assist with our processing. It will also reduce costs dramatically if you can pick them up.

Those outside of South East Qld will be sent in the mail to the Cub Scout/Leader going with the Cub Scouts to Cuboree on Monday 14 May unless we advise otherwise. Those without Leaders attending will have to be individually mailed.

Please make sure your Cub Scouts and their parents are strongly encouraged to label everything to ensure lost property to be returned at Cuboree! 700+ shirts can all look the same…

25 April 2012

Cuboree Fleecy Jackets

The Cuboree Fleecy Jackets have finally arrived. Promotions have been hard at work posting off the orders and as we had a supply change of embroider (out of our control) this has taken longer than originally expected.
 It is pleasing to see so many wanting these great jackets and we are happy to advise there will be another order placed shortly, so if you know people who are still interested please let them know, as the supply issue has been resolved we do not expect the same time frame as before.

Calling Cuboree Pack Leaders and Executive team

Calling out to the nominated Cub Pack Leaders and Executive team only

WE will be packing the Cuboree shirts and packs at the Oxley Scout Den on Saturday 12 May from 9am until the job is complete, if you are available to assist on the day please advise. 

The location for the packing and The Oxley den is at the end of William Tce, Oxley, in Nixon Park. 

We will be arranging pick-ups for the South East Qld and will let you know when and where if you are not able to attend packing day, obviously if you are there you can take your stuff with you J We will mail out the rest of the Regions from SunCoast North and West including Darling Downs. Gold Coast I believe we should be able to arrange pickups.

17 April 2012

Cuboree 2012 Payment form

The Cuboree 2012 payment form has been added to the download page. Plesae use this form when submitting final payments, which are due now.

15 April 2012

Photos at Cuboree 2012

  • Can we take photos at Cuboree 2012
    • Yes you can but only for personal use only. Due to some members requesting that photos of them not to be published in any way, we need to ensure that we do not publish any photo to the Internet, (Facebook, Twiiter, Pinterest, blogs, etc) unless it has prior approval from the Cuboree 2012 Communications team. The Communications team will have a list of photos of those members who can not be published and will assist you in removing or pix-elating the person from the image.
  • How do we get images posted from the bus trip?
    • We are encouraging leaders take photos on the Bus trip to and from the event. The Communications team are asking all Leaders to send their photos taken to ask-cuboree@scoutsqld.com.au during the trip. This will allow the Communications team to vet the photos to ensure we are not posting photos of members with restrictions in regards to publishing photos. It will also provide a great way to keep the website and Facebook pages ticking over and show parents how much fun is being had on the journey to the event. The Communications team are also seeking captions and information to be accompanied with the photos to help keep parents posted
  • I have taken photos at Cuboree 2012, how can I download from my camera or phone?
    • The administration block will have a leaders internet cafe. This will be run by the Communications team and they are more than happy to assist you in dumping your photos. They are also available to ensure you are aware of any member whose photo can not be published in any format due to legal reasons. The Communications team is only one section taking photos and updating to the Internet, but we are encouraging leaders to assist where possible, but be aware that their are restrictions in place for safety of members.

    Cuboree 2012 Newsletter - Edition 3

    Please find a link to the latest Cuboree 2012 Newsletter.

    Cuboree 2012 Schedule released

    We are happy to provide a general overview of the program for Cuboree 2012. We can't give too much away as we want the Cub Scouts to get their with no concept of what to expect. It is a 'Magical Mystery Tour' after all.

    We can also say that all buses - allowing unexpected delays- will arrive at Cuboree 2012 by 3pm.

    • Bump In Saturday afternoon (allocated times)
    • Opening Night ceremony Saturday evening
    • Sub Camp Activities Sunday AM (in Sub Camps)
    • Activities Sunday PM (rostered basis)
    • Concert/Disco Sunday night
    • Activities Monday AM and PM (rostered basis)
    • Quiet Night Monday night (in Sub Camps)
    • Activities Tuesday AM (rostered basis)
    • Sub Camp Activities Tuesday PM (in Sub Camps)
    • Closing Night Ceremony Tuesday evening
    • Bump Out Wednesday AM (allocated times)
    We anticipate that all Cub Scouts will arrive home late Wednesday early Thursday morning.

    Cuboree 2012 will provide so many memories and truly wonderful activities, that Cub Scouts will be talking for days about the event. 

    With 2.5 months to go the Cuboree Executive Team are truly ready to deliver a Magical Event.

    New handbooks posted

    Please be advised that you can now download the following documents from our download page

    04 April 2012

    Cuboree Visitor Registration Form Available

    You are now able to register your interest in attending Cuboree 2012 via the Visitor Registration page. Please read the information below regarding registration:

    Registration information
    • Registration is only valid for the date and time selected on this form.
    • Can only register you or your family to attend one session during Cuboree. If you register twice, your first selection will be considered the time window for your visit.
    • You will only be permitted access to Cuboree 2012 during the visiting times nominated. If you do not have a valid registration on the day you arrive, you will not be permitted to access the event.
    • If unable to attend on the day, you  are unable to transfer to another day if you miss your visiting time window.
    • Visitors will need to supply their own food and drinks for their visit.

    Registration Confirmation

    Once you have completed registration, the Cuboree 2012 Administration Team wil be notified and once your registration has been processed,  a confirmation email will be sent to advise dates and times including important visitor information.

    We look forward to seeing you on your visit.