04 December 2013

Cuboree Sleeping Mats Pick Up and Collection Before Christmas


Pick Up and collection of Cuboree 2014 self-inflating mattress for those that have pre-paid and have indicated on the order forms a pick up or collection  before Christmas - the pickup and collection of pre-paid Cuboree 2014 self-inflating will be as follows:

Date: Sunday 15th December 2013

Time: 10:00 am to 3:00 pm

Place: Strathpine Scout Den

Address: 31 Maree Street, Strathpine QLD

Also, anyone wishing to purchase a Cuboree 2014 self-inflating mattress may purchase one on the day if:
You pay by cash or provide credit card details (order forms will still need to be completed)

For postage orders: 

If you are wanting delivery of the Cuboree 2014 self-inflating mattress before Christmas, then:
You must have your orders in and processed before 3:00 pm Thursday 12th December as final postage will be Friday 13th December to ensure time for delivery!

10 November 2013

Get those Cuboree 2014 applications in....

So thanks to those that have started to get your applications in I am currently processing the 300+ I have received to date, seems like many of you on here are saying you have them but there appears to be many of the Packs not in the piles on my desk to date - perhaps they are 'still in the mail' I hope to get them soon...
Oh and please don't bother emailing to ask if I have got yours yet - cause I am not going through the pile to see... I have too much else to d!
This is just a gentle nudge for those that are saying they have them that have yet to put them in the mail... if you have mailed/delivered yours rest comfortably that they will be here!!!!! 
If you have not - THEN get them in.....
It is exciting and helpful to have the best number yet to date in so early but we are still a long way from what our final numbers will be, for those discussions that have been held earlier about time off and wanting helpers, or wanting to be in this group or with this Pack - the only way this can happen is to get the planning done early and the only way  THAT CAN HAPPEN is when we get the actual numbers... see the fun is beginning to start and this time around I am sharing the love hehehe

Robyn Devine
Cuboree Camp Director

03 November 2013

Time of Legends Applications are coming in!

I"M EXCITED!!!! ... 
I have been processing the applications this weekend, that have arrived so far - thank you to all that have been so good in getting them in on time and for those that have emailed or texted or phoned me to explain they would be a little late. It's so encouraging for us to see the numbers beginning to grow so early in the piece, it assists with the planning process 100%, which means a better Camp and outcome for everyone....
For those that are still thinking about it, please do make the commitment quickly as there are many things we need to book before the end of the year to ensure we can get the correct access and the correct price...
Your are all legends, I hope to have a parents and leaders handbook up on the website soon...
For those with issues and requests in about eligibility I will be responding to these this week too I hope as well.
Robyn Devine - Rikki
Cuboree 2014 Camp Director

31 October 2013

CUBOREE 2014 - The Secret's out!

Cuboree Time of Legends Update!
Have you guessed what our offsite activity base will be this time?
It’s called Gone Fish’n for a Whale of a Time …Does that help?
Yes we are happy to announce it will be include a Whale Watching Cruise for every Cuboree 2014 participant on the amazing Spirit of Hervey Bay!
How exciting is that – for many this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy a rare experience to learn more about these amazing creatures up close with an educational and professional encounter.

Don’t forget to get those applications in – 1st November is the first payment deadline, it may seem to be a long way away but when you need to book and pay deposits for activities including things like this, we need to know numbers and have deposit funds to ensure people don’t miss out! Just think how quickly Christmas roles around every year, believe me it won’t be long before you will be waving your Cub Scouts goodbye for Cuboree 2014.

Packing List
Download the Packing list and don’t forget to make sure everything is named and marked to ensure it makes its way home again!

Cuboree 2014 Merchandise
Need to get a new self-inflating mat check out the Cuboree 2014 Mat for sale - great quality and something Cub Scouts can use when they link into the Scout Section... maybe a Christmas present or next year's birthday gift!
Stay tuned for more next month.

Robyn Devine - RIKKI
Cuboree Camp Director

20 July 2013

20 June 2013

Application forms now available

The Cuboree 2014 application form is now available on the website.

A payment plan will be on offer again with the first payment due in November 2013.

Time to go through your member list to see who will be eligible 'legends' to attend!

30 May 2013

Cuboree 2014 dates released

We are happy to advise that Cuboree 2014 will be held at the Maryborough Showgrounds Complex from September 21 - 26, 2014.

The theme of the event is 'Time of Legends' and we are going back tot he future to remember the past and some of the legends of today.

Are you ready to become a Legend of Cuboree 2014?

09 January 2013

Our Cuboree Polar Bear

Our Cuboree Polar Bear has been touring recently and has dropped in on the AJ2013 and is apparently a real hit with the Contingents. He ahs also been seen onthe Ergon Energy Arena, Logistic 'The Shed' and other areas of the site.

What a legend he will be. He will be back at Cuboree 2014!
