Cuboree Time of Legends Update!
Have you guessed what our offsite activity base will be this
It’s called Gone Fish’n for a Whale of a Time …Does that help?
Yes we are happy to announce it will be include a Whale
Watching Cruise for every Cuboree 2014 participant on the amazing Spirit of
Hervey Bay!It’s called Gone Fish’n for a Whale of a Time …Does that help?
How exciting is that – for many this is a once in a lifetime opportunity to enjoy a rare experience to learn more about these amazing creatures up close with an educational and professional encounter.
Don’t forget to get those applications in – 1st November is the first payment deadline, it may seem to be a long way away but when you need to book and pay deposits for activities including things like this, we need to know numbers and have deposit funds to ensure people don’t miss out! Just think how quickly Christmas roles around every year, believe me it won’t be long before you will be waving your Cub Scouts goodbye for Cuboree 2014.
Packing List
Download the Packing list and don’t forget to make sure everything is named and marked to ensure it makes its way home again!
Cuboree 2014 Merchandise
Need to get a new self-inflating mat check out the Cuboree 2014 Mat for sale - great quality and something Cub Scouts can use when they link into the Scout Section... maybe a Christmas present or next year's birthday gift!
Stay tuned for more next month.
Stay tuned for more next month.
Robyn Devine - RIKKI
Cuboree Camp Director