03 June 2012

From Camp Chief - Electrical Equipment & recharging

As you would be aware there will be over 200 Leaders with phones and mobiles, there is power in the admin area where charging can take place but the admin team will not be responsible for any individuals phones or camera batteries outside of the endorsed Cuboree Communications and admin teams (as you would understand this could open our volunteers up to potentially
uncomfortable situations).

Therefore I am suggesting that in conversation with your Cuboree Pack Leader (those as Service Leaders will need to speak with their team leaders) to work out a convenient time that these items can be charged under your own supervision. It could be a chance to have a coffee and a break while they charge. However this will need to be performed with supply = demand so there will need to be some flexibility amongst us all.

That said I have seen this system work well in larger events at Jamborees and World Scout Jamborees and have no concerns that it will all work out well for all.

There is also power in the welfare hut but I am not allowing this for mobile phone or battery charging - as I need to leave this area free and uncluttered from people for potential welfare issues or crisis. There will be tea, milo and coffee available in the welfare hut for Leaders at all times of the day/evenings but we ask that you collect your drink and then leave that area as required.

Thanks for your understanding
Robyn Devine
Cuboree Camp Chief

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